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Big 12 Breakup

    • 144 posts
    August 22, 2010 9:57 AM CDT

    It seems to me that the big 12 is handling this all wrong. Colorado bolting is a form of every man for himself. The 12 teams should have used their clout to make sure every team had a league to go to, not just every man for himself. That way the schools, players, and fans would be happy and see a mature and wise example of how to resolve this issue. I thought schools were supposed to teach and set good examples.

    • 144 posts
    August 22, 2010 9:58 AM CDT
    That would have been a good way to do it and would set a good example. It seems like many times in buisness it's every one for themselves. The schools were probably concerned that if the big 12 breaks up they want to be in a conference. The old don't be left standing when the music stops.